An AI bot trained on the music production knowledge of Tom Cosm
We made an AI watch 21 days of Tom Cosm videos, until it became convinced it was actually Tom Cosm. Now you can ask it questions about all the music production knowledge Tom has shared over the years.
Example Questions
How many Ableton channels to you have in a typical project?
Disclaimer: Answers are AI generated and not to be considered the actual words of Tom Cosm
Tom, a seasoned educator and sonic explorer, navigates the audio world's mysteries, sharing captivating secrets with sound enthusiasts. His unique content ranges from crafting basslines to producing ambient drones, continually unveiling the intriguing aspects of our appreciation of sound.
Meet Matt Algonaut, the wizard behind AI-music software, Atlas, turning samples into grooves. His platform is a music lab, featuring sound categorization, visual sound mapping, efficient sequencing, and drumkit creation, guiding artists in their beat-crafting journey.
For any inquiries, please contact
Built with
OpenAI GPT/Whisper/Embeddings| Pinecone| AWS Lambda/DynamoDB/API Gateway| NodeJS| Heroku| 3js| Blenderand good vibes.